Why I’m Dry

Thus says the Lord:
“Cursed is the man who trusts in man
And makes flesh his strength,
Whose heart departs from the Lord.

For he shall be like a shrub in the desert,
And shall not see when good comes,
But shall inhabit the parched places in the wilderness,
a salt land which is not inhabited.
(Jeremiah 17:5-6)

(Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.)

The verse in Jeremiah 17:5 convicted me that I was parched because I was looking and hoping for favorable news by a newsman on T.V., rather than praying more, for God to get our country back on track and out of debt. I was dry even when spending time with the LORD. I had partially shut God out when watching T.V. I was slowly moving away from God without realizing it. I had misplaced my trust. Verse six in Jeremiah 17 says, “And shall not see when good comes.” This verse scared me because I realized, I wasn’t always seeing the goodness of God and was becoming more parched. I may not be able to see what God is doing in the spiritual realm but I know He is working for our good. God is sovereign and has everything under control.

I pray that I put all my focus back on God and not on my circumstances. I believe I will be blessed when I put my hope in the LORD and trust in Him. God has invited me to sit at His feet and write. He reminds me that I am a foreigner on planet earth and just passing through. I desire heavenly thoughts and not to focus on our elected officials who have not been good stewards of the freedom our Creator-God has given us. Thank goodness that I’m just passing through. Our beautiful country will not be the same, due to our debt and self serving politicians, but Heaven is the real deal!